Wednesday, July 29, 2009

Dream Journal

Okay, so Doni sent Jesi on a scavenger hunt in Wal-Mart, with me and Michael as her helpers. The clues were all in places that could have been messed up had anyone looked at or bought that particular item. Also, we had the piece of paper folded in half, and when she was done with half of the clues, Jesi thought she was done with the whole thing. So then it was getting late and I realized she was only done with half of the scavenger hunt and got upset. But then Kris Allen was working as a stocker at Wal-Mart and he had been instructed to give us all the extra items in case we ran late, so he did.

Switch to some strange pageant, back stage. Brittany Lyons is in it, Jesi is in it, and Ashley Walthall is in it. I am rooting for all three of them to win titles, and they all do.

Then Ashley's mom is looking at an RV in order to drive around the country doing pageants. They buy it, of course.

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